Sharing "Highs" and Learning to See the Positive

How can you get children into the practice of looking for the good in each day? I'd suggest starting with highs and lows... in that order. Always begin your nightly check-in with a positive memory. Sharing a high with another person is a great way to open a conversation that can lead to deeper communication. It also opens hearts, attitudes and doors.

 Mr. Capote’s Advice

When I was a college student, I volunteered to help run a writers’ conference where the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Truman Capote was keynoting. Following the event, the president of the university invited students and faculty who ran with the conference to a reception at his mansion. Excited to meet the strange little man, I cornered Capote in the den by the baby grand piano and asked a question: “Mr. Capote, how do you become a writer?” I’ll never forget his answer: “You write.”

I thought his response was brilliant. I had to run out right away and get a pen to write it down.

One learns to dance by dancing. One learns to paint by painting. One learns to shoot skeet by shooting skeet. One learns to share feelings by sharing feelings. One learns to listen by listening. If you want to raise children into a resilient adults who can find some good in any situation and know how to handle anything life can throw at them, I suggest you start by raising children who practice talking through their highs and lows every night... starting with sharing their highs.

What was something good today? Something that made you smile? Something that brought you joy?

St. Paul wrote: "Whatever is good, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, excellent, worthy of praise... think on these things." And later in the chapter "...and the God of peace will be with you."

You will see what you train your eyes to see.

And parents, you will see what you seed.

Start tonight.

(From the FAITH5 training book "Holding Your Family Together")
